Alvina Enterprises (Asia) Ltd.



Alvina Enterprises (Asia) Ltd.
Categories: Unknown

Alvina Enterprises (Asia) Ltd.的主要聯繫方式
3595 0669
23/F, Unit 13, Tower 1, Tak Fung Industrial Centre,, Tsuen Wan 新界



fashion bag

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Alvina Enterprises (Asia) Ltd.出口 alvina lingeries 內衣、alvina swimwears 泳衣、alvina nightwears 睡衣我們生產優雅性感內衣、泳衣及睡衣,主要出口至歐洲,美國及東南亞等市場Alvina hk Lingeries Products - 理想內衣用料柔滑、性感高雅、散發優美獨特氣質、特顯女性神祕魅力一面。Alvina hk Swimwears Products - 合身泳衣用料彈性、活力貼身、盡顯女性體態美感、玲瓏身段、明豔開朗。Alvina hk Nightwears Products -睡衣理念用料輕柔、優美舒適、活動柔輕、展現女性韻味、高貴雅緻氣質。歡迎致電:852 - 3595 0669,或以電郵 alvina lingeries:[email protected]詳情瀏覽 Alvina Enterprises (Asia) Ltd. 主網頁:http//:alvinahk.comWe have our production lines for lingeries, swimwears and nightwears. Our main markets are Europe, United States and East Asia. Your special designed pattern or Company Logo is welcome. Lingeries with fancy looking materials for different styles could be tailor-made. On time delivery and competative prices could be offered.Should you have any enquiries on production, design, effect on the produces, please feel free to contact us by phone : 852

  • 商戶信息

    Alvina Enterprises (Asia) Ltd.出口 alvina lingeries 內衣、alvina swimwears 泳衣、alvina nightwears 睡衣我們生產優雅性感內衣、泳衣及睡衣,主要出口至歐洲,美國及東南亞等市場Alvina hk Lingeries Products - 理想內衣用料柔滑、性感高雅、散發優美獨特氣質、特顯女性神祕魅力一面。Alvina hk Swimwears Products - 合身泳衣用料彈性、活力貼身、盡顯女性體態美感、玲瓏身段、明豔開朗。Alvina hk Nightwears Products -睡衣理念用料輕柔、優美舒適、活動柔輕、展現女性韻味、高貴雅緻氣質。歡迎致電:852 - 3595 0669,或以電郵 alvina lingeries:[email protected]詳情瀏覽 Alvina Enterprises (Asia) Ltd. 主網頁:http//:alvinahk.comWe have our production lines for lingeries, swimwears and nightwears. Our main markets are Europe, United States and East Asia. Your special designed pattern or Company Logo is welcome. Lingeries with fancy looking materials for different styles could be tailor-made. On time delivery and competative prices could be offered.Should you have any enquiries on production, design, effect on the produces, please feel free to contact us by phone : 852

Alvina Enterprises (Asia) Ltd.'s Keywords

Moulding | Bras | fashion bag | swimwear | string | alvina lingerie | alvina trendy alvina lingeries | alvina fashion lingeries | alvina style lingeries alvina style swimwears | 性感內衣 性感泳衣 性感睡衣 高貴內衣 高貴高貴 高貴睡衣 優雅內衣 優雅泳衣 優雅睡衣 玲瓏內衣 玲瓏泳衣 玲瓏睡衣 神祕內衣 神祕泳衣 神祕睡衣 lingeries 性感內衣 swimwears
