明發電器行有限公司 Ming Fat Electrical Co. Ltd.

明發電器行有限公司 Ming Fat Electrical Co. Ltd.
Categories: Unknown

明發電器行有限公司 Ming Fat Electrical Co. Ltd.的主要聯繫方式
週一 - 週六: 08:00 - 18:30
週日: 休息
大政街16號地下, 大角咀 九龍

Hong Kong



0 顧客評論

二十多年豐富經驗, 一直盡心盡力服務香港, 實力雄厚. 多款名牌產品直接進口, 確保價錢相宜. 專營光源產品及電工器材包括: 各類光管, 燈具, 燈膽, 電線電纜, 各式電器, 燈用變壓器, 鎮流器, 各類開關, 防水蘇及工地用電器等等. 經銷品牌包括飛利浦Philips, 歐司朗Osram, GE, Top Cable, Zalux, Unilux, PCE, 百能蘇 Brennenstuhl, Condor, VINI 等等. 種類繁多, 貨源充足, 不能盡錄, 歡迎查詢. 多個倉庫存有大量現貨, 送貨服務遍及港九新界, 熱切期待為您服務.With decades of experience in the industry in Hong Kong, we offer various quality electrical supplies and lighting equipments to the HK market with very low prices. This was accomplished by importing these electrical supplies directly from overseas/China to make sure your price is the best. Thanks to our gigantic warehouses, you can almost be rest-assured that what you need would be in stock. Our offering includes: various fluorescent lightings, luminaries, lamps, electric cables, electrical appliances, ballasts and transformers, switches, weatherproof plugs and sockets, and various electrical supplies for construction sites. Brands: Top Cable, Philips, Osram, Zalux, PCE, Brennenstuhl, Condor, etc. WE DELIVER!!

  • 商戶信息

    二十多年豐富經驗, 一直盡心盡力服務香港, 實力雄厚. 多款名牌產品直接進口, 確保價錢相宜. 專營光源產品及電工器材包括: 各類光管, 燈具, 燈膽, 電線電纜, 各式電器, 燈用變壓器, 鎮流器, 各類開關, 防水蘇及工地用電器等等. 經銷品牌包括飛利浦Philips, 歐司朗Osram, GE, Top Cable, Zalux, Unilux, PCE, 百能蘇 Brennenstuhl, Condor, VINI 等等. 種類繁多, 貨源充足, 不能盡錄, 歡迎查詢. 多個倉庫存有大量現貨, 送貨服務遍及港九新界, 熱切期待為您服務.With decades of experience in the industry in Hong Kong, we offer various quality electrical supplies and lighting equipments to the HK market with very low prices. This was accomplished by importing these electrical supplies directly from overseas/China to make sure your price is the best. Thanks to our gigantic warehouses, you can almost be rest-assured that what you need would be in stock. Our offering includes: various fluorescent lightings, luminaries, lamps, electric cables, electrical appliances, ballasts and transformers, switches, weatherproof plugs and sockets, and various electrical supplies for construction sites. Brands: Top Cable, Philips, Osram, Zalux, PCE, Brennenstuhl, Condor, etc. WE DELIVER!!

明發電器行有限公司 Ming Fat Electrical Co. Ltd.'s Keywords

Hong Kong | LIGHTING | 電線電纜 | Cable | lamp | waterproof | PHILIPS | Schneider | OSRAM | socket | Electrical Supplies | PCE | halogen | HID

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