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- 9634 5714
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- 網站
- www.joeyip.co.cc
- 地址
- Tin Ma Court, Kowloon 香港
Graphic Design
online shopping
web design
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企業級網頁設計/網站寄存/商標設計Joe Yip is a younger and mature colleague in your company. He is professional and creates in the marketing promotion market. He must choose the best promotion tools to motivation and promote your goods to world-wide. To review the project Mr. Joe Yip handled, those of the company can accept the target potential client. A successful project must find the right person to lead that. Even many projects were completed by Joe Yip. But most of the promotions still working even Mr. Joe Yip leave now. To compare different E-commence promotion project, Mr. Joe Yip can use the lower limited cost to increase your ranting
- 描述
企業級網頁設計/網站寄存/商標設計Joe Yip is a younger and mature colleague in your company. He is professional and creates in the marketing promotion market. He must choose the best promotion tools to motivation and promote your goods to world-wide. To review the project Mr. Joe Yip handled, those of the company can accept the target potential client. A successful project must find the right person to lead that. Even many projects were completed by Joe Yip. But most of the promotions still working even Mr. Joe Yip leave now. To compare different E-commence promotion project, Mr. Joe Yip can use the lower limited cost to increase your ranting
E-commerce's Keywords
Graphic Design | online shopping | web design | website design | Web Site Design | logo design | e marketing | Internet | web hosting | Business Solutions | Flash Design | Advertising Agencies
Hong Kong的E-commerce是您的公司嗎?
Yahoo / Google 搜尋器排位服務2011-03-25
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