Blutech Engineering Limited
Blutech Engineering Limited
Categories: Unknown
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- 2687 6080
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- 營業時間
- 週一 - 周五: 09:00 - 12:30, 13:30 - 17:30
週六: 09:00 - 12:30
週日: 休息 - 地址
- No.14,13/F, Wah Wai industrial Centre, 38-40 Au Pui Wan street,, Fo Tan New Territory
0 顧客評論
編寫您的評論天祥設備有限公司為香港、澳門及中國三地, 各政府部門、公營機構、汽車代理商、維修中心、汽車維修店、船塢提供各類型維修設備, 檢測設備, 專門化塗層產品和空氣過濾系統; 專營代理美國、加拿大、英國、日本及歐洲等地各大生產商的優質產品。近年為迎合市場需要, 天祥設備有限公司亦引入國內的先進汽車檢測設備及維修工具.Welcome to Blutech Engineering Limited, markets high technological and remarkable quality garage & workshop equipments, specializing in coating product and power plant filtration system of the United states, Japan, United Kingdom and european countries to Hong Kong government, dockyards, Bus companies, car dealers, power plant, and independent workshops
- 描述
天祥設備有限公司為香港、澳門及中國三地, 各政府部門、公營機構、汽車代理商、維修中心、汽車維修店、船塢提供各類型維修設備, 檢測設備, 專門化塗層產品和空氣過濾系統; 專營代理美國、加拿大、英國、日本及歐洲等地各大生產商的優質產品。近年為迎合市場需要, 天祥設備有限公司亦引入國內的先進汽車檢測設備及維修工具.Welcome to Blutech Engineering Limited, markets high technological and remarkable quality garage & workshop equipments, specializing in coating product and power plant filtration system of the United states, Japan, United Kingdom and european countries to Hong Kong government, dockyards, Bus companies, car dealers, power plant, and independent workshops
Blutech Engineering Limited's Keywords
engineering | 空調設備
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