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亚洲 Islands

0 顧客評論

Company Name KONAMI CORPORATION Founded March 21st 1969 Incorporated March 19th 1973 Stock Exchange Listings Tokyo, the 1st section (9766) London (KNM) New York (KNM) *Stock Price Information Headquarters 9-7-2, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8323 Japan (Access Map) TEL: 03-5770-0573 FAX: 03-5412-3300 * Please click here to e-mail your inquiry. Paid in capital JPY47 billion Employees Consolidated: 5,362 (As of March 31, 2012) Consolidated Subsidiaries 23 companies Board of Directors and Corporate Auditors Corporate Officers Board of Directors and Corporate Auditors Representative Director, Chairman Kagemasa Kozuki Representative Director, President Takuya Kozuki Director Kimihiko Higashio Director and Senior Corporate Advisor Noriaki Yamaguchi Director(External) Tomokazu Godai Representative Director and Chairman of the Board, MAYATEC Co., Ltd. Director(External) Hir

  • 商戶信息

    Company Name KONAMI CORPORATION Founded March 21st 1969 Incorporated March 19th 1973 Stock Exchange Listings Tokyo, the 1st section (9766) London (KNM) New York (KNM) *Stock Price Information Headquarters 9-7-2, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8323 Japan (Access Map) TEL: 03-5770-0573 FAX: 03-5412-3300 * Please click here to e-mail your inquiry. Paid in capital JPY47 billion Employees Consolidated: 5,362 (As of March 31, 2012) Consolidated Subsidiaries 23 companies Board of Directors and Corporate Auditors Corporate Officers Board of Directors and Corporate Auditors Representative Director, Chairman Kagemasa Kozuki Representative Director, President Takuya Kozuki Director Kimihiko Higashio Director and Senior Corporate Advisor Noriaki Yamaguchi Director(External) Tomokazu Godai Representative Director and Chairman of the Board, MAYATEC Co., Ltd. Director(External) Hir