格高葡萄酒 Taste Good Wines



格高葡萄酒 Taste Good Wines
Categories: Unknown

格高葡萄酒 Taste Good Wines的主要聯繫方式
2610 16...
荃灣青山公路荃灣段491-501號嘉力工業中心B座12樓24室, 荃灣 新界




0 顧客評論

Peccavi, Passion Pop, Mcguigan, Heritage Road, Domaine de L Amauve, Sanama, Sensaciones, Ribbonwood, Chateau Le Bourdieu, Chateau Bois Cardon, Frederic Magnien 中國及香港總代理以及名莊酒經銷. 格高有限公司是一家專營直接入口, 代理葡萄酒的公司. 於中國及香港都設有公司, 批發到中國內地各省地區經銷商以及香港批發商, 餐廳酒店. 在內地格高擁有自己的會所, 培訓中心以及自家零售店. 提供九個國家為主力和法國列級名莊的葡萄酒. 在港主力以澳洲葡萄酒和法國列級名莊為中心批發到批發商和餐廳酒店. 格高有限公司致力於將具有非常出色性價比, 而從不同價格層次上挑選質量和風格比較突出的葡萄酒帶給商戶為宗旨. 為這市場提供優質及性價比最好的葡萄酒. 我們更要求自己令葡萄酒市場在不同的價格層次都體驗到出色而不同風格的葡萄酒, 令葡萄酒享用者感受到真正的葡萄酒文化. Taste Good Limited is an specialize Wine distributor and direct importer. It has been continuing to expand distribution network in China and Hong Kong, establishing regional offices in ShenZhen and Hong Kong. It has its own clubhouse, wine tasting workshop center, and retail shop in China selling wine to wholesaler, restaurant and hotel with nine country wine and French fine wine. In Hong Kong, it's mainly market is to the wine wholesaler, restaurant and hotel. Taste Good provides good quality and good value wines to its customers by picking out the stylish and good value wines from many wines in different price range.

  • 商戶信息

    Peccavi, Passion Pop, Mcguigan, Heritage Road, Domaine de L Amauve, Sanama, Sensaciones, Ribbonwood, Chateau Le Bourdieu, Chateau Bois Cardon, Frederic Magnien 中國及香港總代理以及名莊酒經銷. 格高有限公司是一家專營直接入口, 代理葡萄酒的公司. 於中國及香港都設有公司, 批發到中國內地各省地區經銷商以及香港批發商, 餐廳酒店. 在內地格高擁有自己的會所, 培訓中心以及自家零售店. 提供九個國家為主力和法國列級名莊的葡萄酒. 在港主力以澳洲葡萄酒和法國列級名莊為中心批發到批發商和餐廳酒店. 格高有限公司致力於將具有非常出色性價比, 而從不同價格層次上挑選質量和風格比較突出的葡萄酒帶給商戶為宗旨. 為這市場提供優質及性價比最好的葡萄酒. 我們更要求自己令葡萄酒市場在不同的價格層次都體驗到出色而不同風格的葡萄酒, 令葡萄酒享用者感受到真正的葡萄酒文化. Taste Good Limited is an specialize Wine distributor and direct importer. It has been continuing to expand distribution network in China and Hong Kong, establishing regional offices in ShenZhen and Hong Kong. It has its own clubhouse, wine tasting workshop center, and retail shop in China selling wine to wholesaler, restaurant and hotel with nine country wine and French fine wine. In Hong Kong, it's mainly market is to the wine wholesaler, restaurant and hotel. Taste Good provides good quality and good value wines to its customers by picking out the stylish and good value wines from many wines in different price range.

格高葡萄酒 Taste Good Wines's Keywords

Wine | 布根地 | Wholesale | Fine Wine | organic | HR | burgundy | wine importer