尖沙咀紐約脊醫及物理治療 Tsimshatsui Chiropractor and Physiotherapy
尖沙咀紐約脊醫及物理治療 Tsimshatsui Chiropractor and Physiotherapy
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「紐約醫療集團」於2006年成立香港,提供優質專業脊醫和物理治療服務。 「紐約醫療集團」以不用藥物、打針、開刀的治療理念照顧病人,創新設計「止痛、矯正、保健」三個治療階段。脊醫團隊會定期接受培訓和出國深造,協助病人達到身體最健康的狀態,同時保持專業服務水平。 紐約脊醫團隊一直以教育全港市民脊骨保健意識為目標,定期撰寫健康專欄、為報章雜誌提供脊骨健康資訊、印製紐約健康報,將「愛脊骨」的訊息傳遞到各階層。 New York Medical Group was founded in 2006, it is consist of chiropractors, physiotherapists, and other health professionals who work exclusively with the human musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Most of our Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), pass the national board exam in USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. And they will also have regular internal and overseas trainings, to help patients achieving the best spinal health status.
- 描述
「紐約醫療集團」於2006年成立香港,提供優質專業脊醫和物理治療服務。 「紐約醫療集團」以不用藥物、打針、開刀的治療理念照顧病人,創新設計「止痛、矯正、保健」三個治療階段。脊醫團隊會定期接受培訓和出國深造,協助病人達到身體最健康的狀態,同時保持專業服務水平。 紐約脊醫團隊一直以教育全港市民脊骨保健意識為目標,定期撰寫健康專欄、為報章雜誌提供脊骨健康資訊、印製紐約健康報,將「愛脊骨」的訊息傳遞到各階層。 New York Medical Group was founded in 2006, it is consist of chiropractors, physiotherapists, and other health professionals who work exclusively with the human musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Most of our Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), pass the national board exam in USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. And they will also have regular internal and overseas trainings, to help patients achieving the best spinal health status.
尖沙咀紐約脊醫及物理治療 Tsimshatsui Chiropractor and Physiotherapy's Keywords
物理治療 | chiropractor | physiotherapy
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