Honeypot Wax Boutique



Honeypot Wax Boutique
Categories: Unknown

Honeypot Wax Boutique的主要聯繫方式
3564 8660
Room 802 13, Century Square, 1 D'Aguilar St, Central, Hong Kong, Central 香港

0 顧客評論

It has since been ten years of hairy tales and that, has made Honeypot a very wise waxing boutique. Our humble beginnings have taught us that no fuzz is too much to fuss about. Beautifully outfitted in Honeypot's signature colours of black and pink, resplendent chandeliers and baroque furniture, Honeypot is a boudoir of sorts - sensual, sexy and sassy. Dedicated to lavish you with only the best waxing experience, our team of therapists has been professionally trained. Each of them is put through a series of intensive tests before they go on to plough the field.

  • 商戶信息

    It has since been ten years of hairy tales and that, has made Honeypot a very wise waxing boutique. Our humble beginnings have taught us that no fuzz is too much to fuss about. Beautifully outfitted in Honeypot's signature colours of black and pink, resplendent chandeliers and baroque furniture, Honeypot is a boudoir of sorts - sensual, sexy and sassy. Dedicated to lavish you with only the best waxing experience, our team of therapists has been professionally trained. Each of them is put through a series of intensive tests before they go on to plough the field.


Brazilian Wax2017-04-20